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The best place in the South (after Florida). A city that hasn't bulldozed or tried to hide its history, and has a lot of diffrent cultural events. Many great neighborhoods such as Downtown, Uptown, Southend, Overton Square, and Cooper Young. Sadly, the city has a bad reputation with some Memphians and Tennesseans because its 60% African American and some people are afraid. So instead of checking out this great city for themselves, they spend their time on the internet bashing the city. NORMAL crime rate for a metro of 1.2 million(except in car thefts which are high), Memphis City Schools are good if you actually care about your education, and leads the state in private and public investment. Americas largest urban park Shelby Farms, and a world class minor leauge baseball stadium, world class NBA arena, world class zoo, and world class museums. Luckly the number of Memphis naysayers are dropping.

Before posting negative Memphis crap, get off your computer for once, and see what city is really like!!!

by anonymous2006 March 14, 2006

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