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The oldest form of 'dajto' that preceeds even 'dto'. An ap.

dito däckade under bordet på nyårsafton.

by ap January 16, 2003

21👍 82👎


swedish, bottled chocolate-milk. or an swedish dumbass. but most probably an serious ap that likes 'korv' (see definition of 'korv')

pucko likes korv.

by ap January 16, 2003

17👍 11👎


Pipote means clitoris in a foreign indian language

Jessica Narlock showed us her pipote while belly dancing in a grass skirt, in India.

by ap March 13, 2005

12👍 6👎


A physical state for chemical substances. And also a form of food for people that aper dislike.

Ät gas, dude.

by ap January 16, 2003

4👍 13👎


rugby- cavemen type game played by those lackiing the skills needed for afl.

he plays rugby because he is too fat for afl

by ap April 18, 2005

24👍 136👎


(Latin): An exclamation of sorrow or anger; Oh no!, Oh dear!

Eheu! You just completely got your shit ruined! Eheu!!!1

by ap January 23, 2004

157👍 33👎

Rusty Mike

get naked, sit indian style, do a handstand while still indian style, crap, and roll the crap down ur back and stall it on the back of ur neck.

"man josh did the rusty mike perfectly"

by ap March 16, 2005

18👍 21👎