It's when you're so stoned that space disappears, kinda like I was last night, just see how I explained this in the first meaning
I'm glad I got that fixed, now I'm gonna go get sostoned
Most people nowadays are probably getting sostoned of this better and better Marijuana
Most people these days get sotoned,
#let's getting sostoned baderasser Marijuana
An inferior poet, one that can easily rhyme all the time like all day long only stopping to hit his bong
Every rhymester shoots an ink filled gun
An inferior poet, one that can easily rhyme all the time like all day long only stopping to hit his bong
Every rhymester shoots an ink filled gun
They tried to trap me in a loophole saying that if I move out I'd still have to pay 50% of the rent for the rest of the time that's on the lease, I said I know, although it's not in the lease that I can't have somebody else move in with and/or whatever my aproval, sor at 50%, that's a 100% come up for me, so they kindly let me out of my lease since i had my loopkey
When things are just way baderasser then just bad ass
That's baderasser.