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She is mysterious, but loves everyone. Very affectionate with the ones she loves. She knows whats good. If you ever meet a safa, keep her.

Genie-make a wish
Person-that Safa falls in love with me
Genie-oh damn me too bro
Person-i know right

by appleheadssoldier February 4, 2019

103👍 6👎

2020s kid

The future decade generation. anyone born from 2015-2024 are 20s kids after that they are 2030s kids!! They are expected to have a futuristic and newer childhood, and will unfortunately never experience all the awesome things that happened before their lifetime.

Person: Damn, all the babies being born right now are going to be 2020s kids!!!!

Friend: Holy shit man, you're right. I fee bad for them, bro.

by appleheadssoldier September 24, 2017

30👍 36👎