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Short for "Stay on Subject"
Used primarily in online classrooms; when the chatbox explodes with non-important topics such as the teacher's hair or a student's favorite aunt.

In physics class:

Dave: "Dude, my aunt is such a crazy cat person"
Mary: "Really? My uncle has a manic obsession with growing purple flowers"
Isaac: SOS guys
Teacher: Dave, Mary, and Isaac. What have I told you about talking about things not related to the subject material?

by arc.t415 October 2, 2014

8👍 4👎


Anyone who has spent more hours of their life on a trail than in their own bed and has no regard left for table manners, toilet etiquette, or similar societal norms like when to fart, burp, and shower. Generally very loud people--habits picked up on the trail to scare away natural wildlife. They're always looking for a) more food, b) another destination to go in the wilderness and c) a new way to poop, or, as they'll call it, biff.

Don't underestimate them. They can disappear in a moments notice and live off the grid for weeks on end. Typically, they always have a knife, three ways to start a fire, some gorp, and a tent on them at all times.

Mind the smell--the last time they showered was probably at least a month ago.

They are the outdoorsy version of white trash.

Dude, I went hiking with these two guys I ran into on the trail--total hikertrash! They were walking around buck nude except for their packs, and the smell was worse than something out of my dog's anus.

by arc.t415 November 14, 2018

6👍 4👎