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The synergistic "Super-bug" that is spawned when an individual becomes infected with the influenza and pnemonia at the same time. This is more sinister than the dreaded bird and/or swine flu...and is more on-par with the fabled SuperFlu from the movie "The Stand".

Patient - Yo, I don't feel so good doc.
Doctor - Well I declare...you must have a case of the flu.

Patient - Yo, I feel worse now doc.
Doctor - For Pete's sake, it appears you now have pnemonia.
Patient - Does that mean I have Flumonia?

by archyis October 8, 2009

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Office Vigilante

Cubicle dweller or office employee who seeks justice and revenge against the evil forces residing within the work environment.

Inspired by watching Charles Bronson in DeathWish, I intend to be an Office Vigilante so I can right all of the wrongs that occur within our office. I got my sock full of quarters and am ready to unleash on some fools!

by archyis November 9, 2009

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A person with excess body hair wearing only underwear usually resembling Michael J Fox from Teen Wolf. It is assumed that the Under-werewolf possesses special powers so they are generally feared.

"Dude, did you see the Under-werewolf in the locker room at the gym?" asked Bob.

"Yeah, I was scared for my life...I got out of there quick because I didn't feel like getting my face ripped off today." replied a trembling Steve.

by archyis July 31, 2009

Random Spot Adrenaline

The curious phenomenon that occurs when a stranger spots you at the gym in which you are able to lift heavier than usual.
This can occur due to a number of factors -

1. You do not want to be embarrassed by not being able to hit the weight you loaded up on the bar in front of a stranger.
2. You do not trust that you will get a safe spot from this stranger so as part of self-preservation the adrenaline kicks in.
3. You fear that the stranger will assist when you don't need it, so you enable beast mode.
(A combination of several of these scenarios are common occurrences)

"Dude, I hit 190 for 5 reps on incline today like it was nothing." said Jimmy

"Whoa, you didn't come close to that last week...what gives?" queries Jefferson.

"Must have been the random spot adrenaline kicking in" replied Jimmy

by archyis July 3, 2009

Skunk in the trunk

A humorous phrase used to denote the wretched stench of a personҀ™s unwashed posterior.

Guy 1 - Bejeezus, the locker room in this gym smells like dead rats and broken dreams! I mean, it smells so bad in here that I do believe I am losing childhood memories somehow.

Guy 2 - No kidding, someone has really got a skunk in the trunk yo!

by archyis January 6, 2010

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Chickenhawk Engineer

A person works in the engineering field who discusses and debates the best way method to perform a given task, but then consciously avoids doing the actual work themselves.

"It is quite amusing how Mark got so heated in the arguement about how to architect that widget but then the next day he avoids actually performing the very tasks that he was describing" said Frank.

Max replies, "That is because he is a Chickenhawk Engineer. He will always get in arguements about how to solve a problem, but never gets involved in the actual work of implementing the solution."

by archyis February 17, 2009

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Bipolar Bear

A deeply disturbed bear living either at the South or North Pole. These moody creatures can be upbeat at times when they can be witnessed happily catching fish or conversely they can be sullen and withdrawn burying their head in the snow. This serious condition can be treated by various medication such as Bear-zac or Bear-nax with promising results.

Penguin 1 - Yo Fred, what is up with the bear? He looks like he is contemplating jumping off of that towering glacier. Surely he would not survive the fall.

Pengui 2 - That is Billy, the Bipolar Bear. He is up there every other day. He must not have taked his Bear-zac today.

by archyis November 13, 2009

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