someone who has never seen the sun or touched a woman. Synonyms: Turbovirgin hyper nerd incel
Man Josh you are such a Homestuck
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Hiveswap is a video game made by What Pumpkin Games and created in the Unity Game Engine. Hiveswap is a video game set in the world of Homestuck and is a story of Joey Claire and Jude Claire (her younger brother) discovering a portal taking them to a different universe inhabited by aliens named trolls. as of date, Hiveswap has 1 of 4 acts currently out.
Hiveswap's first act was created on September 14, 2017
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Ooga, often used in combination with Booga, is often used to describe an action or idea seen as primal or savage.
Also often used to make fun or straw man an opposing side in an argument.
"Man, Diablo is shit"
"Ooga Booga me big smart (monkey noises)"
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