A high school in the southern area of Salem, Oregon. It's population include stuck-up jocks, bitchy girls who wear jeans that cost as much as a large apartment, sluts who wear two inches of make-up, and every other annoying fuck-up you can think of. Sprague hosts some of the most ignorant and cocky kids in the country. The kids who go there are spoiled by their 'American Dream' families. Their overly-expensive cars and gas are paid off by their upper middle-class to upper-class parents who live through their children. They also always make sure to flash their newest generation of iPhones. The teachers aren't all together too bad, but they let the brats who go there walk all over them. Not everyone who goes there is too bad, but the white trash preps and horny teenagers with heads the Africa easily outnumber anything good.
Bitchy Sprague High School Girl 1: Wow, fuck off, my parents own a restaurant chain. I'm so much better than you.
Bitchy Sprague High School Girl 2: Oh please, my dad owns a dealership, the rest is fucking history
Average Girl: Hey, what's your name?
Bitchy Sprague High School Girl: You're not rich enough and your clothes aren't expensive enough, go away.
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