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talking asshole

a) someone who never stops talking long enough to think

b) someone who never stops talking shit long enough to think

c) someone whose ability to stop talking, or talking shit, has atrophied

He's a talking asshole who knows plenty of women.

He was acting like a talking asshole at the funeral.

"For a while you could see the silent, helpless suffering of the brain behind the eyes, then finally the brain must have died, because the eyes went out, ... ." - William S. Burroughs

by atomicsteambunny March 11, 2006

18👍 6👎


to pile onto a fellow protestor at a protest rally, a protest march, or a situation where the cops are trying to arrest individuals in the crowd.

a puppy-pile is the attempt to either hold the person being dragged away down, or to suddenly create a mass tangle of bodies, in the hopes that the cops simply fuck off and let you to your democratic right to either protest, or dissent.

Protest Rally Affinity Group Instructor: "In any given protest against the State, the possibility exists that the cops will try and arrest you. Please indicate whether or not you would like your Affinity Group to attempt to Puppy-Pile you should the cops single you out

by atomicsteambunny April 16, 2007

31👍 48👎