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A Ben-Salamon is usually a Jewish Australian lad who rocks a nice mullet and has a large dick. A Ben-Salamon had good style, is a bitch-magnet within a 5 kilometre radius and usually fucks them all in one night. A ben-Salamon goes through puberty at the age of 10-11 years old, and finishes at 13. He can have a full grown beard by age 14. A ben-Salamon never had ginger pubes, is never any other sexuality than straight, but can be homiesexual depending on what mood he is in.

"Yo, Amy, Ben-Salamon's dick is huge! He's sooooo hot."

by avahan59 August 23, 2022


A messy and disorganized collection of random items, usually stored in a haphazard manner.

My room is an absolute fluglump!

by avahan59 April 20, 2023