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Meaning "Left Of Far Right". Pronounced "loafer".

Typically refers to Democrats (both candidates and voters) who are only liberal, or left, in the sense that they are slightly moreso than those who are conservative/right-wing. They tend to support policies that are neutral to or in minimal opposition of the shift toward radical conservative politics in the United States. Such people are the perpetual bane of the progressive bloc and real change.

My friend Ryan Ringer purports to have liberal beliefs but still votes for corporate tools like Obama. He's just another LOFR.

by axion.r July 31, 2011

7👍 2👎


Acronym for "No Time To Argue", generally used when a person cannot or will not engage in a complex or nuanced argument and when that person still wants to submit an opinion or different perspective to the argument that is being had.

Internet post #1: "What do you all think about the SCOTUS decision?"
Internet post #2: "NTTA, but I think we have to remember that it was based on a standing precedent from 1994."

by axion.r July 8, 2014

1👍 2👎