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Are we still friends?

A phrase used to temper emotions after direct, if not harsh, feedback. It's used to remind the receiver that their relationship is primary and important, and the feedback or comment comes with no intention to ruin the relationship, only to strengthen it.

People love Patrick's self-help program because even though he's super direct, he keeps the relationship intact. His trick is to say "are we still friends?" throughout the tough sessions. He'll call you out and yet somehow you don't feel beat down. I think that's why he's always booked.

Patrick: "You drank and gambled all your money away. You've chased away anyone who ever dared to love you. You're a total clusterfuck. Now look in that mirror right there and tell me who you are and who you can be without blaming anyone."

Me: *big sigh* "Hmmm... that big mirror?"

Patrick: "Yea... are we still friends?"

Me: *chuckles* ... "Yea... I guess we are."

by axolotyl92 June 12, 2022


No Effort Too Small is NETS. It defines how the best of the best leave no stone unturned. It is used for someone you know who is pulling all the stops to get ahead, and it signals approval and encourages emulation. NETSing, full NETS, NETSed are common variations.

The regional manager was promoted to VP last week. 3 years ago he was in facilities. The CEO walked in on him one early morning meticulously cleaning the floor, lifting chairs and desks, sweeping under all the rugs, getting every goddamn dust mite off the lobby floor. He went total NETS on his cleaning tasks. The CEO, blown away, quickly moved him to the management track.

by axolotyl92 May 30, 2022