Source Code


What a plant uses to extract water and nutrients from the soil.

Dandelions are hard to get rid of because their deep roots can break off and regenerate the plant that is pulled out.

by ayb April 3, 2003

53πŸ‘ 51πŸ‘Ž

Jehovah's Witnesses

Annoying cult members whose sole purpose is to annoy people by knocking on their doors every week and asking them if they wish to be "saved". Any unfortunate victim who ACTUALLY allows them into their house will be bored to death by their endless rantings about their cult, and their hour-long prayers.

I feel proud that I no longer have to worry about Jehova's Witnesses bothering me ever since I set my dogs on two of their members last year.

by ayb June 13, 2003

105πŸ‘ 217πŸ‘Ž


The living dead. A dead and typically rotting person whose carcass has been brought back to life by science, magic, or soul-posession.

Play SEGA's House of the Dead series, and you'll be surprised to find out that zombies can be fast, smart, and deadly.

by ayb April 1, 2003

9πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


The human being's sex drive.

Most of those over-the-counter pills that claim to increase libido are simply snake oil.

by ayb June 28, 2003

1095πŸ‘ 192πŸ‘Ž

super nintendo

a.k.a: Super NES

The Last Great Console. The system which won the 16-bit console war by a mile against the SEGA Genesis.

Super Metroid for the Super Nintendo is a helluva lot better than the Quake ripoff on the Nintendo Gamecube known as Metroid Prime.

by ayb February 20, 2003

34πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


A really cool guy, before he went on an acid trip which caused him to see three hallucinations and turn into a pussy.

At least Scrooge knew that Christmas was a sham.

Bah Humbug!

by ayb March 13, 2003

59πŸ‘ 55πŸ‘Ž

reality tv

About as real as seeing a cat doing my tax papers while whistling Stravinsky's "The Rite of Spring" in A-minor.

Reality my ass.

by ayb May 17, 2003

501πŸ‘ 139πŸ‘Ž