a type player in the world of aba this players tend to be unpredictable and almost impossible to defeat they tend to use their lunge move has an evasive not even the strongest aba players can defeat them
guy1: man a newbie ichigo defeat me on ranked
guy 2: its ok
funny game with lots of funny jokes and a lot of endings 100 of them in total it might seem like a a lot but you literally get endings for everything from dying to stabbing things
guy 1 reventure best game it has 100 finals
guy 2 ye its a cool game i just stabbed the old man and it gave me an ending
this is the the spanish version of polikujmyhntgbrfvedcwsxqaz its usually when a person reaches the max power of boredom
guy 1: i just typed pñolikujmyhntgbrfvedcwsxqaz
computer: *computer pain*
big bad fish from a video that extends his mouth and is from san diego also appears in a lego roblox game named item asylum
guy 1: hey have u heard of the killer fish from san diego he has already killed 50 persons
guy 2: OH NO
8👍 11👎
a bad highly unfunny lego men game in this bad game you play has sand underman and his alternate versions or the j the j is very overpowered he is know for making error 404 users poop their pants whethever you use him (the j is an evil being that takes the form of underswap papyrus)
guy 1: undertale judgement day sucks!
UJD pro player: stfu
sawnic is a miss spelling of sonic that people use to make fun of it
guy 1 : omG sAwNIc defeats gOkU
guy 2: its spelled sonic and no