Source Code

Project Clean Up

Term used to describe a girl or a girlfriend or a prosepective girlfriend with minor flaws - with the thought that they could be cleaned up they would be worth dating or going out with or even marrying...

How was your date last night?

Good, but she needs fake tits, a gym membership and a decent apartment...

Project Clean Up?


by b. hanback January 15, 2010

9πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Diva Parking

The phrase used when you are looking for a parking spot at a restaurant or crowded lot and you find a spot in the front row.

Damn, this place is packed tonight - what the hell could be going on - we are going to wind up parking in the next county...

There's a spot up front! Fuckin' Diva Parking baby!

by b. hanback May 13, 2009

15πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Canine cologne

Dog Piss.

Bro are you wearing Canine Cologne? You smell like dog piss!

What is that smell?
It's canine cologne - the dog pissed on the carpet.

by b. hanback August 4, 2008

31πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Golden Arm

The person who has the ability to pay for dinner or the tab - the one who has the money or corporate credit card

Let's grab Brian for dinner - he has the Golden Arm

what do you mean?

He has a corporate AMEX and will pay for dinner

Yea, call Brian!

by b. hanback January 23, 2009

31πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

Blue Back

When you take a shit in a port-a-let and the blue chemical water splashes back up on you staining your ass and your back.

Dude, hitting the port-a-let for a quick dump...

Make sure you hop up quick so you don't get Blue Back!

Bobby was scrubbing his ass cuz he got Blue Back at the State Fair...

by b. hanback September 9, 2009

21πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Motel Sex

Deriving from Motel 6. A favorite motel where you go with a boyfriend or girlfriend simply to have sex.

Me and my girl spent the night at Motel Sex last night because her fat roommate would not leave the dorm and we could not fuck there.

by b. hanback March 9, 2008

42πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž


Big tits.

Did you see the spotlights on her?

yea, bout knocked me over...

by b. hanback January 18, 2009

46πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž