Source Code

Boots on the Ground

Military phrase meaning troops in place. Slang usage is when you are referring to going somewhere or being somewhere or someplace.

We got boots on the ground at Fat Mo's but we are heading to Sam's for a cold beer and pizza.

by b. hanback February 28, 2010

1849πŸ‘ 587πŸ‘Ž

matress dancing

Slang for having sex. To have sex.

Babe, lock the door...the last thing we need is little Billy walking in while we are matress dancing.

Let's go back to my place for a little matress dancing.

by b. hanback February 12, 2008

39πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Train Tracks


That girl in the bar was pretty hot until she smiled...she had sushi caught in her train tracks...

Oh, really....braces?


by b. hanback December 31, 2009

65πŸ‘ 36πŸ‘Ž

Pot Butter

To melt butter with pot for popcorn, brownies, or spreadin on muffins....

let's make some pot butter so we have enough to make brownies this weekend!

by b. hanback January 15, 2010

11πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Little Boy Reguar Haricut - when an adult male gets their haircut short - parted to one side - making them look like a little kid.

Brian: Dan, nice haircut - you ask the barber for an LBR cut?

Dan: Little Boy Regular? Screw you, I paid $40 bucks for this cut

by b. hanback March 17, 2011

3πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


Slang or short for Lobsters

Bro, I am starving...

Let's get some lobbies and beer at The Palm


by b. hanback May 16, 2008

57πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž


Word describing a friend that is a taker and not a giver - someone that never shows up or pays for a tab or helps in any way. Not a true friend.

Thanks for showing at my birthday party marginal...I really appreciate it.

Russ is so marginal - jackass got drunk and missed dinner tonight - what the hell?

by b. hanback January 15, 2010

2226πŸ‘ 1437πŸ‘Ž