a long standing faction in the fallout games who protect and preserve pre war technology in order for it to be properly studied. there are many chapters of this group who all get their orders and information from the highest ranking members of their group who are called the circle of steel. each chapter has 4 orders who have separate rolls. there are the knights, paladins, scribes and sentinels. it works like this squires become initiates, initiates become knights or scribes, knights can become paladins, and paladins can become sentinels. only sentinels can become elders who are the ones who govern the chapter. the brotherhood prefer using laser weapons and power armor as opposed to guns, plasma weapons and light armors. except for the armored body glove they were under their power armor as well as field scribe outfits and scribe/elder robes and jackets. i hope this was informative. fight well brothers and sisters ad victorium.
here comes the brotherhood of steel to save us yay.
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