A rather sad, under-achieving football club in Manchester UK. Not to be confused with it's highly successful and glamorous local rival, Manchester United.
Fans are called Bitters due to bilious sentiment towards almost everything. Seeming obsession with city boundaries in order to desperately (and wrongly) designate their more successful etc., rival, not from Manchester.
Things not to mention. How long is has been since City won the English title (this is 32 years in 2007)
Club is owned by Thai businessman and ex-politician with questionable human rights record (see Amnesty International), Dr Thaksin Shinawatra. Managed (coached) by a peripatetic and priapismic Swede, Sven Goran Erikkson. A marriage made in heaven, no ?.
"I see Man City lost again"
"Oh yes, it's Saturday, isn't it"
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