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A Clusterfuck (noun) is a situation in which a group / person who is completely surrounded by other people, sometimes found in crowded zebra crossings.

Other uses include but are not limited to:

A rave.
A video game.
A rugby match.

Jeez Bob got clusterfucked by zombies on that game last night

by baedified like a boss May 18, 2016

1👍 2👎


A term used for old Takeaway that has been stuffed in a paper bag because either

1: You didn't have time to eat it
2: It has been eaten, and has now come back out in the form of vomit
3: You are saving it for your dog

Daniel , are you giving that shitsack to your dog?

by baedified like a boss May 16, 2016

4👍 2👎