The most amazing girl you will ever meet. She can be perky, funny, and a great friend while also being a total bitch at the same time. She is number 1 Twerk Queen. If you have her as Girlfriend you get every evening a lapdance for sure. She the most beautiful deep brown eyes that match her soft, curly hair. she goes by mimi. Her smile can make you fall in love with her instantly. Many people are mean to her, but they don't know what they are missing by being this girls friend. Her laugh is like angels singing and her voice is beautiful. She's short and wears the cutest clothes and often try's to hard, but makes it out ok in the end. you desperately want to kiss her and you know when she wants to do the same to you, but you just can't form the words. If you have a girl like this in your life, never let her go. She is the best thing that will ever happen to you.