Source Code


Spider is a guy that drives a shitty golf.

It can be used in a sentence by saying “look at spider over there in his shitty golf

by ball guy February 1, 2023


Shawaan is the bottom piece that comes with a kameez.

It can be used when talking about the full outfit, this can be used by saying “that guy is wearing a Shawaan Kameez”

by ball guy January 30, 2023

A W Communication

A W Communication is a place on Mackintosh Place Cardiff that is owned by a scammer guy.

This can be used by saying “i went into A W Communications today and the owner had severe extreme stick drift”.

by ball guy January 30, 2023


Hawdam was a man who lived a life of constant struggle and hardship. He was known around the neighborhood as the man who always stood outside people's houses, begging to be let in. Despite his desperate please, nobody ever took pity on him, and he was always turned away.

One day, Hawdam's father, Shawaan kameez, kicked him out of the house and he was left with nowhere to go. He wondered the streets, trying to find shelter and a place to rest his head, but nobody would help him. His reputation as a beggar and troublemaker had proceeded him, and no one wanted anything to do with him.

However, despite his rough exterior, Hawdam was determined to find a place to stay. So, he went to the house of his father, Shawaan Kammeez, and knocked on the door. To his surprise, his father answered, but he was not happy to see him.

"What are you doing here?" Shawaan Kammeez asked gruffly.

"I need a place to stay," Hawdam replied, his voice trembling with desperation.

"Fine," Shawaan kameez said, "Put on your shalwar kameez and I'll let you in. You can pray in the doorway."

Hawdam was relieved and grateful to finally have a place to stay, even if it was only in the doorway. He quickly put on his shalwar kameez and went inside to pray.

Despite the rough conditions and his father's gruff demeanor, Hawdam was grateful for the roof over his head and the chance to start a new life. He was determined to turn his life around and show everyone that he was not the person they thought he was.

It can he used by saying: “That individual over there is a hawdam”

by ball guy February 9, 2023