Well known Soundgarden song.
Came to be the anthem of grief for thousands of dis-affected teens after it was released directly after Kurt Cobains suicide. It's awesome!
"Black Hole Sun...won't you come?"
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Short for New Jersey.
Let's go to NJ!
Yeah,let's go watch Senses Fail
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Something that is ruining most bands.
Even the ones not connected with the mainstream.
"Yeah,I used to like My Chemical Romance,but then all those dumb fangirls sarted leeching off them. So I dropped them,because I didn't want to be accosiated with a fangirl."
True Story...
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Hilarious show where five gay guys help to turn around the life of a straight guy.
Unfortunatlwy this show also reinforces stereotypes. (IE:Gay men are all camp and stylish,straight men are all incompetent and dirty)
Still, it's near damn hysterical sometimes.
Even if you do feel guilty afterwards for being a tad homophobic.
Queer Eye For The Straight Guy
One of the queer guys: So do you like blondes?
The Straight Guy: Yeah.
One of the queer guys: how about with penises?
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What Cartman of South Park likes to shout when he is in the belief that he is Vietnamese Prostitute called Ming Lee.
"Sucky! sucky! five dolla!"
"Give me eight dollar socia-boy I love you long time"
"Ten dollar? Sucky sucky?!"
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1. A term used to descibe self-hatred.
2. Also a short lived 80s hardcore band. No,really!
1. "I hate myself" muttered Kurt Cobain
2. I Hate Myself are a great band!
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A much hated and derided form of music that got popular somewhere between Nirvana and The Spice Girls. It basically took all the complexities of metal and replaced it with rap/hip hop elements.
Bands included: Limp Bizkit,Korn,Slipknot,Insane Clown Posse,Papa Roach and,to an extent,Evanescence and Lostprophets.
Mostly they were shitty beyond shitty but some bands were occasionally good. Korn usually throw out brilliant mosh music and Slipknot are always entertaning.
Nu metal was regarded by some as 80 hair metal for the modern generation,many more publically blasted it but secretly enjoyed it. That's what Nu Metal was really: a HUGE guilty pleasure. Shame on us all for being a part of it.
Once Limp Bizkit lumbered along the horizon,that dumb fuck Fred Durst singing about "Nookie" and "Rollin" like the bastard child of Vannila Ice and Monica Lewinsky,Nu Metal was officially dead. If it was ever alive,that is.
Nu Metal has been succesfully glossed over in the history books,much like Bon Jovi or The War. Slipknot are still trodding their music out to an ever depleating fanbase of 8 year olds,Korn are still doing their things like a 90s nostalgia act and everybody else has either died or retired. Linkin Park have "removed" their Nu Metal sound and Papa Roach has "gone sexy". Heaven help us!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>News just in: Due to the current rise of emo bands,some people are actually starting to miss Nu Metal.<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
"Oh bring back Nu Metal!" wailed the teenage girl as she watched MTV. "Anything but THIS! No,I do not want a Panic! At The Fucking Disco CD!!!"
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