Source Code


1.An art house film by cult direcor Gus van Sant(My Own Private Idaho,Dugstore Cowboy) based loosely on the Columbine High School shootings. There's a huge controvesy over whether the killers were portrayed as gay or not. Sure,they kiss in the shower,but one look at emo boys kissing shows you that this isn't exactly a tabbo subject for teenagers anymore. It's a good film,and a good way to vent frustation after a hard days worth of name-calling and beatings from jocks at high school. Just don't get any ideas...
2.Also a clever grey animal.

Nerd:"One of these days I'm gonna get Elephant on your ass"
Jock:~resumes beating nerd~

2. "Look! An Elephant! And this one still has it's tusks! Elephants are fun!

by bandanasarerad October 7, 2006

8πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

Avril Lavigne

Female singer who is spitting all over the word "punk".
Says she isn't trying to be punk,but obviously is by adhering to the mainstreams' idea of what punk is.
(Ie:neckties, "s8er bois" ,Green Day)
Loved by dumb teen/pre-teens who need to get some Hole, Bikini Kill and Le Tigre down their throats.
Plays *punk* music,without the politics,anger,meaning or ideals....yeah,baiscially punk without the punk.
Somebody should shoot that bitch. Prefferably John Lydon.

Dumb"rebel"Bitch: "Oh wow Avril Lavigne is sooooo KEWL. Punk Rock! I mean I can totally realate to her songs,having as many problems as I do! *sniff* My Mommy wouldn't even buy those chucks I saw Billie Joe from Green Day wearing! Oh,BTW,you're not punk...you're not wearing a necktie"
Me:"Kill me."


by bandanasarerad September 10, 2006

275πŸ‘ 326πŸ‘Ž


LMBFAO can mean one of two things:
1.Laughing My Big Fucking Ass Off.
2.Laughing My Butt Fucking Ass Off.
Both are very odd things to say.
They cause confusion among many.

PersonA: Yeah,so I saw Brokeback Mountain...
PersonA:*wonders if personB is fat or gay*
PersonA:*wonders which is worse*

by bandanasarerad September 19, 2006

12πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

The village idiot

George Bush
George Bush is an idiot

George Bush: The Village Idiot.
A village in Texas is missing it's idiot.

by bandanasarerad October 30, 2006

27πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž


Home of emos, punks,goths, and lots (and I mean LOTS) of stoner grunge kids. Bad shopping,no music scene,basically the suburban version of London.
Also,lots of snobby rich kids who are *down* with grindie and worsip Alex Turner,even though they've never set foot on a council estate in their lives.
Strangely chav free town.Rumours persist they were hunted down and burned in a 1800s' style way.

Reading:Suburbia in denial.
"Wow,look at that seven year old kid smoking pot and rocking out to Velvet Underground CDs! He's a PRO,man!"

"Let's go to Reading!"

by bandanasarerad September 1, 2006

93πŸ‘ 137πŸ‘Ž

Harry Potter

Lil' emo boy with a magic stick,which he waves around and says "Crucio!" alot.
This poor lil' emo boy,his parents are dead,his shmexy God Father Sirius is dead and to make things worse his best friend is a ginger.
By now you think he'd be a junkie with a bad crack habit but,curiously,he is still a straight lil emo boy who is yet to get laid.
Honestly Harry,do you want me to force feed you the viagra?
In conclusion,Harry Potter is a poor lil emo boy with an awful haircut and homosexual yearnings. The End.

~In cinema~
"Oh My God....mullet ville!"

Harry Potter is teh ghey,yo.

by bandanasarerad November 20, 2006

48πŸ‘ 120πŸ‘Ž

Brandon Flowers

Brandon Flowers: No1 enemy of Pete Wentz!
If Pete Wentz and Brandon Flowers ever had dinner together,it would go this way:
It would be awkward until they both got really drunk,then they'd discuss how they both feel they're a passing fad and will be forgotten about in two years,and then they'll cry and their eyeliner will run and streak,and then they'll sloppilly make out and Pete will suck Brandon off in the bathroom (one of those on-off affairs where you turn on the light and people have to wait in line) and then Pete will blog about it.

Woah,me *thinks* that is a good definition of Brandon Flowers.
Brandon Flowers: the person most likely to steal Ian Watkins crown of "I'm not gay! I just look,talk and act gay!"

by bandanasarerad August 21, 2006

72πŸ‘ 331πŸ‘Ž