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Olivia, she is someone who is strong. she always has a smile on her face, even though most of the time it isn’t real. she’s been hurt far too many times, beginning with her father. she doesn’t let people in easily. she’s scared of being in love because “people always leave”. when things get to serious, she walks away. she probably isn’t even meant for a relationship, she’s independent and just wants to be free. when she tells you she loves you, she means it. she loves to have fun, no matter what it is. she’s beautiful, even though she doesn’t realize it. she curses A LOT, you’ll have to get used to that. most people just want her for her body, which is understandable because it’s a nice one. she gets sad a lot, but she’s good at hiding it. you’ll learn so many things from her, and when she leaves you’ll be sad.. but lemme tell ya, she wasn’t a mistake, she was a damn good lesson.

Guy 1: I wish Olivia would just settle down with someone, preferably me.

Guy 2: Dude, that’s not how she is.

by bangthedrums March 25, 2018

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