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The act of joining a group of people (in the street or at a party) and position yourself within the group in such a way that someone has to stare at your back and you thereby exclude this person from any conversation.

This act is mostly performed by potheads and slightly autistic- or socially inert people.

Dude! Go stand somewhere else you're totally gerritting me!

Look at that girl, she's totally gerritting the other guy. I guess she didn't like it that he couldn't hold his bart..

person 1: What did Kay say about it?
person 2: I dont know, I was unable to finish my story 'cause Florian totally gerritted me with his fat body and started telling Bart about his poop in the fridge..
person 1: Lame...

by barting fag with a huge jort October 27, 2010

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