Source Code

Ride the Lightning

Awesome album by Metallica. Features great songs like Creeping Death, For Whom the Bell Tolls, the title track, and more. Awesome stuff from Metallica with more goodness to follow...also the name of some stupid indie rock's album that no one cares about that they used to get attention just because they're a bunch of thieving whores.

Ride the Lightning is a terrific album.

by bashe January 1, 2006

170πŸ‘ 66πŸ‘Ž

root beer float

When someone puts Ice Cream in a glass and pours root beer on it. Tasty, and has nothing to do with sex.

Yum, root beer float.

by bashe March 4, 2006

469πŸ‘ 72πŸ‘Ž


Great nu-metal/hard rock band. They have some pretty awesome songs like Stupify, Ten Thousand Fists, and Prayer. They're pretty much nu-metal, but then bend some "rules" of nu-metal, so they're more like hard rock. Good band.

Ten thousand fists in the air! -part of Disturbed's song

by bashe January 1, 2006

82πŸ‘ 53πŸ‘Ž

Linkin Park fan

Someone who likes Linkin Park. It's okay if you don't like them, but calling them stupid and they suck cock is fucking retarded.

I like Linkin Park!

by bashe June 24, 2004

697πŸ‘ 455πŸ‘Ž


One of the greatest FPS of all time. While the game may look outdated today, the gameplay is unparalleled even today. The game plays incredibly well even nowadays. Most fanboys/fags say it sucks because the graphics are bad, but in that case, they need to fuck themselves. Gameplay > graphics.

Halo faggot: omg omg omgomgom Doom sucks halo is BETATAT!!!!1
Normal person: You fail it. Without Doom, Halo would have never existed, so suck your boyfriend's cock and chill out.

by bashe August 21, 2005

581πŸ‘ 116πŸ‘Ž

Reign in Blood

THE ultimate album of thrash. Released by Slayer in 1986, it's full of heavy, evil riffs and breakneck tempos. This album is the pinnacle of thrash metal, if not music istelf.

You must have this record!

Retard: omg like slipnot is extremely heavy death brutalcore hard death!!!!111
Guy: Just listen to Slayer's Reign in Blood
Retard: *listens* holy shit!

by bashe April 16, 2006

143πŸ‘ 39πŸ‘Ž

metal mania

A block of "heavy metal" videos played on Vh1 classic on Monday, Friday and Saturday. Heavy metal is in quotes since, regardless of the name, they tend to play too much glam music, thinking it's heavy metal, and not enough true heavy metal music. Seemingly getting worse.

*Sees the somewhat psychotic intro for the Metal Mania show*
Guy: Hey, this is going to kick ass! PLAY THOSE METAL VIDS!
*Bon Jovi plays*
Guy: ANOTHER DAMN GLAM VIDEO!? Might as well call this "Glam Mania."

by bashe February 5, 2006

27πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž