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So basically im monky

A truly delightful meme that portrays the most beautiful sides of evolution in its purest form. The meme refers to a nonsensical catchphrase paired with images of King Kong from the film Kong:Skull Island which gained some popularity after a video using the phrase was posted in a pewdiepie video. It is also used in Presidential alert memes.

Presidential alert:
"So basically im monky"

When ya homie slavsquat and he say
"🅱️asically im monky"

by beastmaester 64 October 6, 2018

47👍 3👎

The Isak

Pulling an Isak is when you getting mad dome whilst playing Clash of Clans. Isak from the bible is known to have preformed many of these...

Yo man, i just did an Isak yestarday it was so cool!
Bro how u doin, u seem kinda sad, mind if i give u the Isak?

by beastmaester 64 September 15, 2020


Before Jesus died, his last words before God were that another holy presence shall again rise. He did not know surely what being, but we now know it was the rapper Jahseh Onfroy also known as XXXTentacion. We will always remember him as our dearest, and after all prayers we together pray...

We laughed with you, we cried with you, guacamole ni🅱 🅱 a 🅱 enis, 1998-2018 we miss you Jahseh, JAHMEN!

by beastmaester 64 January 31, 2019

1👍 1👎

Walter the dog

Walter the dog is not dead, there are manye posts that he indeed is dead, however he is my dog and he still lives

Oh my gawd did u see the new post about walter being dead, he was such a cool dog...

Yea u know walter the dog? He is alive so stfu

by beastmaester 64 July 13, 2020