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Adjective: Someone who is from an inner city and expresses the essence of urban culture. Not to be confused with ghetto because a person can be hood but not ghetto at all. Describing a person as 'hood" can be a positive compliment but describing someone as ghetto is usually derogatory. Many people that are "hood" are successful, classy individuals who not only survived the perils of the inner city but love their hometown and have a desire to make it better for everyone there. Whereas people described as ghetto are usually poor, trashy and uncouth. Back in the day, many "ghetto" people lived in the projects. "Hood" describes people from the hood who were raised with the hip hop era but are not and have never been ghetto. Many grew up in middle class households in the hood. They are home boys and home girls.

Dude is so hood. Did you peep his style?

by believer131 February 4, 2013

1237👍 280👎

home girl

A fly girl who grew up in the hood and has a sincere interest in her community. She epitomizes the essence of urban culture and the hood. She grew up in the hip hop era. Home girls defined hip hop and are rap aficionados. Back in the day, she most likely rocked a lot of Gucci and gold. She had an assymetrical hair cut, door knocker earrings, and always looked fly. Today she is a community activist that advocates for the well being of inner city residents. She always reps her hood and is the most compatible mate for a home boy. This is the original east coast hood defintion which is often used by black and puerto rican Americans which is very dfferent from the common west coast and mexican-american use of homegirl.

Rhonda is such a home girl. She got mad love for the hood.

by believer131 February 4, 2013

66👍 47👎