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"mouthing" a curse word without actually saying it, or pausing where the curse word would be; to cuss without actually saying so:

"I can't believe that pause jerk! He cut right into my lane!" That's a nofanity

by benjasdad-2000 December 6, 2008


to communicate to others by asking yourself a question and then answering it. often used by coaches and athletes after big games

The coach gave this intraview in assessing his team's play: "Was our defense up to par? Yes. Did we fix our offensive line problems? Yes. Was it good enough to win? Well, not tonight."

by benjasdad-2000 December 6, 2008


n. in poker, a player who will call any bet rather than fold, even when their cards are bad. Named for the ignorant and unmoveable donkey, the "donk" won't ever move out of a hand and fold, no matter how much you bet. Thus bluffing does no good against donks, so you might as well not even try it. Especially infuriating when these donks end up getting lucky on the turn and the river, coming up with great hands when any reasonable person would have folded long ago. See also "calling station"

I had aces in the hole. I bet huge on all streets. This stupid donk keeps calling me with 7-4 offsuit, and hits a 7 on the turn and a 4 on the river to beat me. Man, do I hate donks.

by benjasdad-2000 June 22, 2009

439👍 292👎



an minor infraction which is technically illegal, but which is not actually prosecuted except in cases of personal or political spite. Named for Bill Clinton's impeachment trial.

getting fired for the billegal act of taking a pack of pencils from work, when the real reason is that you're out of political favor with the boss

by benjasdad-2000 May 20, 2008


Advantageous to me.

I thought it was fair that I got half the cake and my friends split the other half.

I lost the job to someone smarter, better-qualified, and harder-working than me. That is so not fair.

by benjasdad-2000 November 7, 2009

7👍 49👎


a person who has adopted the simple, anti-corporate food philosophy of Michael Pollan, author of "In Defense of Food" and "The Omnivore's Dilemma.". See also Pollanate: to zealously spread Pollan's ideas to one's friends.

Sarah is the most Pollanated person I know. She makes her own bread from organic ingredients and visits her local farm for her veggies and meats.

by benjasdad-2000 June 14, 2009

4👍 1👎