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1. A milf wearing yoga pants. 2. A milf who does yoga.

Matt hooked up with a banging yogamilf from the gym.

by bentslightly March 25, 2015

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Grown facial hair that is attached to the face through follicles in the skin found mostly in most male homo sapiens. Not much different than a Beard, the Beard-Mask is instead used for reasons classically inconsistent with historical practices such as; protecting the face from harsh elements, religious practices, being unable to shave from lack of resources, and mere preference. Instead, a Beard-Mask is grown to cover any number of jarring inconsistencies to the face or emotional well-being of its wearer. These reasons include: Covering the ravages of pubescent acne scars. Physical deformation of the face or neck. Having a baby-face, or youthfully juvenile appearance. Double Chin. Perceived Unattractiveness. Overall Unattractiveness. Low/ Non-Existent self-esteem.

Matt definitely wears that creepy beard-mask to cover his toxic self-esteem, not to mention, those giant welts from acne and poor hygiene.

by bentslightly August 2, 2022


A portamenteu word combing the words "Grifter" - A confidence artist, combined with "Fascist" - A person who is dictatorial or has extreme right-wing views, disguised a vague grassroots populism.

Steve Bannon conned his supporters and misappropriated donations, truly the actions of a griftofascist traitor.

by bentslightly December 27, 2022


A portmanteau word combining the words "Kompromat" and "Complicated". Kompromat - Russian term for compromising information leading to blackmail, and, "Complicated" - Consisting of many interconnecting parts or elements; intricate.

Representative Madison Cawthrone keeps using Kremlin talking points on the house floor, his situation appears to be getting quite komprocated.

by bentslightly December 27, 2022


When a person, who is a Simp, in shameless glory declares; a non-existent, remedial, or irrelevant topic as defeated, solved, or won. Also when an ego-driven, yet, low-mentality person produces real world results, that are not up to standard expectations, and declares any basic victory as unique or divine predestination.

John Paul, a rich kid with no job, proudly declares he understands the entire medical profession because he skimmed an article, his simpressive character will create plenty of mocking chatter around the country club.

by bentslightly January 4, 2022

Medical Grifter

A confidence artist that is usually perceived as knowledgeable about any range of subjects merely for earning or adopting the Title of "Doctor", when in reality, they are speaking well outside of their scope of expertise. Most commonly found in; The Entertainment Industry, Politics, New Age Medicine, Chiropractic, and Publishing. Examples include: Dr. Rand Paul, Dr. Mehmet Oz, Doctor Phil, Dr. Drew Pinski.

Dr. Drew, the medical grifter, got censured by the medical board again, he was giving bad advice on television, and may lose his license.

by bentslightly December 26, 2022

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Low Rent Republican

A person, usually American, whose Conservative mindset, will rally against their own best interest unwittingly leading to a lower quality of life. Also, a Conservative Republican that doesn't make enough money to truly reap the benefits of massive tax-cuts associated with the upper tier of income earners.

Braxtyn is a Low Rent Republican because he's on welfare and voted for a candidate who cut social benefits. Also, Kryztn is such a stupid Low Rent Republican she voted Republican and her taxes went up!

by bentslightly October 30, 2019

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