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Indie Cred

A young indie man who goes around to all the indie places and hands out, 'indie cred"Indie cred can come in two ways. The first way is to those who are being extremely indie are given cred for their efforts. The second way is, those who wish to have a bit more indie cred can trade something of theirs that is really indie, such as a pair of wayfarers preferably Ray bans, a pair of pointy shoes ect in exchange for cred from the indie man.
Though indie cred works both ways, you can also have indie cred taken off you; this usually occurs if the name of a certain indie thing is unknown, such as a band, or fashion trend. In this occurrence the indie man take something indie off you, as you are not deserving of it because you're not nearly indie enough.

"Your looking damn indie tonight, you'll get some find indie cred"

"You don't know who *insert band name* are? Careful the indie cred man will come and cut the points off your shoes"

by bette&friends July 11, 2008

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