Source Code


a name given to black people during the 1950s-60s

Beat it spook this dont concern you..........who you calling spook peckerwood.

by big tim June 1, 2005

49πŸ‘ 48πŸ‘Ž

rot gut

Any cheap 40 or 22 oz of malt liquor, not particulary known for the taist but rather to get drunk as fuck. Preferably St Ides or Colt 45.

Danny drinks the rot gut because he wants to get fucked up

You guys dont drink that rot gut for the taist! you drink it to get drunk!!!

by big tim June 7, 2005

35πŸ‘ 47πŸ‘Ž


Universal superlative adjective, also synonymous with "cool"

We need to get some turbo hot chicks in here.

by big tim August 1, 2003

5πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž


Stupid fucks that are usually italians and try to be basasses by having the thick brooklyn accents to scare people but in reality they are just pussys. These people often wear to much coligne, wear gold chains, wear wife beaters, somthing from the armani exchange, and are usually pretty stupid. They often open their big mouths and brag about somthing stupid (like killing some one, robbing a house etc) and end up getting caught. They also usually have what little hair they have spicked up like they got electrcuted.

That stupid fuck danny pelosi had to open his big guido mouth about killing the guy now hes in jail 25yrs-life.

Tyson put your hair down your look like a fucking guido.

That fucking guido tried to scare me with his italian/brooklyn accent but it didnt faze me

by big tim February 3, 2005

336πŸ‘ 199πŸ‘Ž


A guido chariot. Cars that look fast but really they suck.Although better than a honda or any of those fucking jap cars that people think are fast. Used to be a IROZ version that was alright. Stands for Italian Retard Out Crusing

look at that comero IROZ.....oh i bet its a guido driving it

by big tim February 3, 2005

13πŸ‘ 77πŸ‘Ž

JDM bling

Overpriced stickers touted by ricers to show how fast their car isn't. Also, extraneous bullshit mods

Hey man, I kooler tahn j00, I got more JDM bling! biatch!

by big tim July 9, 2004

68πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž

icon of sin

John Romero

If you clip thru the wall in Doom II on the last level, the Icon of Sin is actually John Romero

by big tim September 24, 2003

33πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž