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An adjective commonly found in the prospectuses of 'insert subject studies' courses, often to present them as being more interesting and useful than they really are.

Here at UC Berkley, we take pride in our Gender and Sexuality Studies programme. This is an interdisciplinary course, providing a universal insight into pertinent issues surrounding gender, women and sexual orientation around the world.
For over two years, Boston College has offered an MA in Fat Studies. This course is interdisciplinary, and explores how fat people are oppressed by non-fat people and dieticians.

by bigboobies007 December 18, 2020

2๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ok boomer

'Ok boomer' - a phrase referring to the Baby Boomer generation, born between 1946 and 1964, but in general to anyone who looks older than 30 and has 'regressive' views. The phrase 'ok boomer' is used mostly by leftists when their viewpoint is challenged. Just like any joke the left makes, it has become unfunny to the point that it cannot be used ironically.

Leftist cuck: 'I feel so bad for Iran, I am fully regretful for the death of Qassem Soleimani, killed by evil cis het white men!'
Someone with a brain: 'You realise he was a terrorist, against basic human rights for LGBTQEJGKNRSGP+ people?'
Leftist cuck: 'Ok boomer'

by bigboobies007 January 8, 2020

26๐Ÿ‘ 47๐Ÿ‘Ž

Things only Americans think are debatable

A cancerous Facebook group, riddled with lefties, claiming to be neither left nor right wing. That's a blatant lie, obviously. Members there take issue with how fucked up America is, posting mainly about the lack of gun control and inaccessible healthcare.
Anyone with an opposing viewpoint is bullied, called any kind of existing/non-existent ...-phobe, muted and/or removed.
'Things only Americans think are debatable' is used to express disdain at American ('Seppo') actions.

Alyssa: I've just left this awful group called 'Things only Americans think are debatable'.
John: Oh yeah, I was kicked out of that last February because I questioned the leftist claim of there being 843 genders.
Alyssa: Omg how terrible, bet you were called a transphobe and white supremacist.

by bigboobies007 August 11, 2019

1๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

The Student Room

The Student Room is an online forum for teenagers, primarily, but you'll always find adults who exercise their bragging rights because their little Annabelle or Toby got 14 A*s at GCSE and 4 A*s at A Level, and is going off to Oxbridge. This bragging is omnipresent among students too.
There are many different kinds of forums, ranging from 'I got rejected from Oxford. Am I still special?' to 'My friend got into Teesside and is happy. How do I let her down?'. As demonstrated by these forum names, there is a lot of fapping to Oxbridge and its equivalents, where a common mentality is present, that being 'if you don't get in, you fail at life'.
Politically, it is leftward skewed. Surviving for a day as a righty is impossible, as you are hurled abuse from the left majority, being referred to as more -ists and -phobes than there are made up genders. Consequently, an admin or rep will fish you out of the crowd and shut you down.
Things not to criticise on the Student Room: Islam, Positive Discrimination, Wage Gap *coughs* bullshit *coughs*, Racism against white people (rEVerSEd RaCiSm), feminism, gender being a spectrum, Oxbridge (the OJW (Oxbridge Justice Warriors) will be on your back), Immigration etc.

Typical 'The Student Room' threads and responses:
OP: How do I get into Oxbridge with 7 Bs and 3 As?
Reply: Hahaha you must be joking, try somewhere of your level, maybe Leeds Beckett?
OP: Anyone going on the Durham open day?
Reply: I got an offer, but I don't need to go as I got an offer from Cambridge instead.
OP: My RE teacher told us Mohamed married an 8 year old but didn't consummate the marriage. Is she lying?
Reply: Uh no! Islam teaches love and acceptance, and will benefit the western world!
OP: I think immigration should be stricter as it's not economically sustainable to have open borders.
OP: How do I live after a Durham rejection?
Reply: Lol your personal statement must have been proofread by someone at Leicester.

by bigboobies007 August 11, 2019

5๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž


The abbreviation for Sucker Idiolising Mediocre Pu$$y. A simp is a weak man who overvalues women. He will do anything. A classic example is Simon from the Inbetweeners, who simps after Carli all day in the hopes of getting with her. Most simps are often below-average, unfit, hairy and stinky, and have no self-awareness to the point they think they have a chance with a fit girl. Lol. Don't be a simp.

Simp: I am incredibly sorry to all the womxn in the world for my the patriarchy. Every womxn I see running for office, I will vote! Every victim of the patriarchy shall receive $50 from my bank account!
Man (bc simps aren't real men): No, please don't. Go shave.

by bigboobies007 August 3, 2020

6๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž