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To witness someone "prize-fighting" is nearly as remarkable as witnessing Old Faithful erupt or the great Niagra Falls flow over its cliff side. The event can only be described as seeing one man perspirate a nearly inconceivable amount of fluid from their body. Usually this coincides with alcohol and drug consumption.

Prize-Fighting is an event best done in the darkest, loneliest room available. To be caught Prize-Fighting is a horrible, disgusting embarrassment, best resolved by cutting the sweat saturated, stink encrusted shirt off your back.

Prize-Fighting is an extremely rare event for most people, however there are a select few, which seem almost chosen to prize-fight on a regular basis.

Following a few beers and one heroic bong rip Sloth begins the prize-fight of his life....

R: "Geeze, do you think THAT is what Sloth will look like right before he dies?"

(a brave lady in the room begins to soak up the oozing sweat from Sloth's head for fear he will drown in his own excrement)

S: "Jesus Christ Sloth... you look like a fucking Prize-fighter!"

by bigken18487 October 6, 2011

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