Proof that a lot of shit happens between Thursday and Saturday.
"I know you don't smoke weed. I know this. But it's Friday, you ain't got no job, and you ain't got shit to do!"
1016π 331π
There are certain signs to being a geek and not a nerd. You would be a geek if:
1. You have a "My other car is a Millenium Falcon" bumper sticker on your car.
2. You think your retainer resembles a Klingon Warship.
3. You can can tell what speed a computer is connecting just by the sound the modem makes.
4. You think your computer speaks to you in English.
5. You can write papers in Binary.
6. You use a VoiceModem headset when making calls.
7. Your idea of a house party is snacking on Rice Krispy Treats and watching Tron.
8. You've seen The Guyver.
9. You have the TIE Fighter ion cannon as your ringtone.
10. You call your bedroom the Fortress of Solitude.
11. If you are able to give ten identifying signs of a geek.
736π 708π
A damn good school located in New York. Has campuses in the Bronx (Rose Hill), Manhattan (Lincoln Center), and Westchester County (Marymount). Mascot is the Ram, colors are maroon and white.
Contrary to some peoples beliefs, Rose Hill is actually the superior campus in terms of educational options, even though anyone from Lincoln Center will dispute this. Those from Lincoln Center should get off their high horse, because like everyone else your degree will not say your campus, but it will say your school, Fordham University. So get off it, because we are all Fordham, and a Rose Hill degree is the same as a Lincoln Center one.
295π 78π
The person too scared to reveal their racist feelings in person (for fear of ridicule or getting beat the fuck up), so they revert to blogs and/or forum posts on the internet to show their prejudice for people of other races/creeds/religions etc.
-Video of a white kid faceplanting on a skateboard:
E-racist post: lol, that kid got pwwwned...
-Video of a black kid faceplanting on a skateboard:
E-racist post: LMAO, sparkling wiggle got destroyed!!! Whats the matter, too much fried chicken and watermelon? Lol pour some grape soda over it, you'll feel fine. Maybe you should go back to basketball, coon!
111π 154π
George W. Bush's vendetta list.
It includes Iran, N. Korea, France, Germany, math, english, pretzels, Dick Cheney's heart, young voters, John Kerry, the cast from Queer Eye, Jon Stewart, Whoopi Goldberg, the Dixie Chicks, Michael Moore... it never ends.
266π 76π
The Star Wars fan who knows more about THAT galaxy than the one he lives in.
Only a Star Wars geek knows the hyperdrive classification of the T-65J Advanced X-Wing Starfighter.
224π 54π
Mr. Johnson sent me to the principal, so I told him "FYI," and I left.
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