The Real World's narrow-minded homosexual (the irony is thick, huh??) and the most annoying character in the history of reality television.
- "My daddy made me read, OK?! I read books, black books, mind you, and that turned me off to connecting with other races!!!"
-"I've been checked by cops in clubs 147 times, OK, man? It violates me! I am such a victim!! Boo-hoo-hoo!!"
-"Do you know how hard it is being black, and gay?? You guys don't know anyhting about struggle! I'm Karamo, man, and God has given everyone so much, and me so little!!"
What a loser...
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The model of every father in the world. Possibly the greatest father in history.
Lisa, just because I don't care dosen't mean I don't understand.
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Sucks! We do one chapter a day! The work is just too much, and too intense.
I'd be lucky for a 3 on the AP exam.
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Sorry, I don't watch it either.
The Pro Bowl takes place a week after the Super Bowl, and by then most of America's too tired of football to care, unfortunately.
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The new Grand Theft Auto game, which comprises 3 metropolises (each larger than Vice City), and miles of country in between. The game's central character is Carl 'CJ' Johnson, who can be morphed into anything: a chiseled gangsta, a skinny poser, or a fat slob who gets no respect.
The greatest game ever. Nuff said.
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Adjective; A way of describing anything that you would be willing to pay $4100 to do. Derived from former NY Gov. Eliot Spitzer's expensive hour with a hooker.
Guy 1:"Yo look at that bittie right there. She's pretty smokin. Think she's Spitzerfiable?"
Guy 2: "Fuck no! She looks like a dude! No way I'd throw down 4 grand for her sloppy ass."
8π 5π
Is gonna get shot once Shyne gets out of jail.
You heard it here first. Remember that.
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