Source Code


Apparently what guys are doing if they flirt with a girl that doesn't like them.

"Like, OMG, this guy is stalking me because I don't like him and he asked me out. Now lemme look at that hot guy's Myspace for the 19th time today."

by bigtones March 19, 2007

798πŸ‘ 297πŸ‘Ž


Proof that a lot of shit happens between Thursday and Saturday.

"I know you don't smoke weed. I know this. But it's Friday, you ain't got no job, and you ain't got shit to do!"

by bigtones April 7, 2005

1016πŸ‘ 331πŸ‘Ž


There are certain signs to being a geek and not a nerd. You would be a geek if:

1. You have a "My other car is a Millenium Falcon" bumper sticker on your car.

2. You think your retainer resembles a Klingon Warship.

3. You can can tell what speed a computer is connecting just by the sound the modem makes.

4. You think your computer speaks to you in English.

5. You can write papers in Binary.

6. You use a VoiceModem headset when making calls.

7. Your idea of a house party is snacking on Rice Krispy Treats and watching Tron.

8. You've seen The Guyver.

9. You have the TIE Fighter ion cannon as your ringtone.

10. You call your bedroom the Fortress of Solitude.

11. If you are able to give ten identifying signs of a geek.

by bigtones June 29, 2005

736πŸ‘ 708πŸ‘Ž

return of the jedi

The sixth, and "last", episode of the Star Wars saga. The film in which Luke confronts his father, we see the Emperor face-to-face, and we meet those cuddly little bastards, the Ewoks.

Sorry Wicket, but Jar Jar Binks has taken your title as the most hated creature in the galaxy.

by bigtones September 19, 2004

72πŸ‘ 54πŸ‘Ž


You know... that drug.

Also known as angel dust.
Crystal meth.
Sherman Helmsley.
Love Boat.
Ashy Larry...

by bigtones January 16, 2005

42πŸ‘ 270πŸ‘Ž


Acronym for Rich Industrial Assholes Anonymous.

They think they can control the system, but they don't realize that they're gonna lose eventually.

by bigtones January 31, 2005

75πŸ‘ 91πŸ‘Ž

zac efron

The latest throwaway bubblegum-pop teenybopper idol. Starred in such 'hits' as High School Musical and Hairspray. Will be forgotten once he gains a little weight or does his first stint in rehab for substance abuse.

Zac Efron is destined for one of those VH1 reality shows about washed-up celebs.

by bigtones August 22, 2007

1777πŸ‘ 1044πŸ‘Ž