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Stoner bitch

Who is that high male? Its Calvin!

by bitchasshoe3 December 22, 2022


A stupid nickname for a girl named Cierra. Era is literally an alcoholic bitch who has the IQ level of a 5 year old. She does not have the ability to take responsibilities for her actions because she is too fucking narcissistic. She is always the victim in every situation. She does not care about anyone else but herself. Her pussy smells like an abandon fish market that has not been tended to in 5 years.

Who is that bitch and who does she think she is? Oh, that is Era.

by bitchasshoe3 December 22, 2022


a bitch

damn Brenden is a bitch

by bitchasshoe3 December 22, 2022


A backstabbing mega bitch who breaks every girl code ever. Self proclaimed feminist hero but is actually the most misogynistic pick me girl. Never trust a Stella.

damn did you hear stella today, what a pick me bitch
wow I didn't realized stella sucked ass so bad

by bitchasshoe3 December 22, 2022