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slut hen

A chick who is constantly looking for cocks. She mainly values them for their peckers.

Invariably, there's one or more of these in any henhouse.

A slut rooster says "cock-a-doodle-do".

A slut hen says "any cock will do".

by bitchuck August 5, 2024

pool boy

A "pool boy" is a servant who cleans pools.

In Internet pornography, these men exist primarily as eye candy to the rich and famous. The posting is prestigious and anyone who takes up the mantle treated as an Adonis among men.

I studied at the Sorbonne to become a pool boy; while there, I espoused a blonde French maidservant as my bride. We had expected this to bring us fame and fortune in California, like that depicted on PornHamster.

If it's on the Internet, it must be true.

Neither of us is quite sure how exactly both careers turned out to be dead-end janitorial paths. If we can't rely upon PornHamster as an expert source when making professional career decisions, whom can we trust?

by bitchuck August 25, 2024

Lolita bed for Girls

A short-lived furniture offering from the former Woolworth PLC in the United Kingdom. Aimed at six-year-old ladies, the product was hastily withdrawn once someone actually thought to look up whom exactly "Lolita" was.

On 1 Feb 2008, bedroom furniture for young girls with the brand name Lolita was withdrawn by Woolworths following complaints. All irrelevant now, as Woolworths PLC went into administration on 27 January 2009 and was officially dissolved on 13 October 2015 - leaving no way to actually order the Lolita Bed for Girls.

by bitchuck August 30, 2024

holy acrimony

Mondegreen of the phrase "holy matrimony" - most likely as a deliberate Freudian slip, to refer to the state of being married and miserable.

Dost thou take this man to be thy awfully dreaded husband?
Dost thou take this woman to be thy awfully dreaded wife?

By the power vested in me by Church and State, I hereby declare thee joined in holy acrimony. What God hath joined, let no man put asunder.

You may now diss the bride. Amen.

by bitchuck September 9, 2024

one up the bum, no harm done

A failed 2011 slogan created for Marie Stopes International by comedy music band The Midnight Beast, promoted with a catchy music video. 'One up the bum and it's no harm done, one up the bum and you won't be a mum."

Not reliable advice as there is a risk of "splash conception" (where semen is spilled into the vagina from the anus) and the risk of a sexually transmitted infection is as high or substantially higher compared to any other sexual act.

Enjoy your AIDS.

"One up the fanny and your mum's a granny" so instead you try kinky bum sex, hoping to avoid pregnancy?

The "one up the bum, no harm done" assumption is not a good idea. Where do you think lawyers come from?

by bitchuck September 5, 2024

Smurf orgy

A gangbang, clusterfuck, bukkake or mass circle jerk.

Named for the very skewed gender demographics, in which a typical Smurf village might have only one Smurfette for a population of nearly a hundred of the horny, blue-balled fuckers. The end result is these horny fucks will smurf just about anything if deprived of sexual activity for long enough.

Get enough fermented smurf berries into their tiny blue bellies and the typical blue-balled smurf will engage in spitroasting, double penetration, sloppy seconds and smurfing anything that even vaguely looks like a female Smurf until, blue in the face. they can take no more.

Ultimately the smurf orgy becomes a free-for-all where they'll smurf just about anything - male smurfs straight or gay, trees, shrubs, stray livestock or anything that moves. If they're intoxicated enough, expect the entire village to be wallowing in Smurf cum, which is as colourful as rainbows and as tasty as candy, but as slippery as silk and as greasy as petroleum jelly.

Vanity Smurf is gay. Sleezy Smurf and Skeezy Smurf are bisexual. A few others are suddenly very openminded when aroused and intoxicated on potent smurfberry wine. To them, a Smurf orgy is orgasmic bliss. In general, though, the skewed demographic numbers and the sheer number of overfilled, hairy blue balls do ensure that the end result is a clusterfuck of smurftastic proportions.

Typically an average Smurf will be walking funny for a week or more once this sorry, unfortunate episode finally ends.

Needless to say, the show's sponsors are typically not amused when the bill arrives to repair the damage to the village. A clusterfuck all around.

by bitchuck August 1, 2024

creampie eating

If a creampie is a freshly-inseminated vagina, creampie eating is the act of licking and swallowing semen directly from the vagina. It's the only gentlemanly way to atone for your sins if you come too soon, leaving your partner not yet fully satisfied.

Just kidding. A cream pie is merely an innocent food or dessert choice, in which case creampie eating is merely a way to pack on a few extra pounds or kilogrammes. Even then, expect this to be fetishised: see BBW, big beautiful woman, BBW chaser and feederism for a taste of where this might be going.

by bitchuck March 15, 2024