wiggers are usually teenagers who grow up in a picture perfect wealthy family. they have never lived any kind of struggle, and have no idea what the struggle is like. they put bad reputations on white people like my self, who dress in "urban" clothing. but the difference between me and a wigger is that i actually know were to wear my pants, where they are supposed to be worn AROUND YOUR WAIST not below your ass. and another thing. if you can fit into a size large shirt, but instead but 2x size shirts, you are a wigger. common chracteristics of a wigger are also: bad speaking abilities, so bad that you might think that they actually have a speech impatament. wiggers can also be seen walking really slow, trying to look cool, i guess. Wiggers make other people think that all white people that wear urban clothes are wiggers. one final characteristic of wiggers is that they over frequently curse, once again, amking them think they are cool.
Wigger teenager: das fuckin bullshit dat fuckin bitch blah blah blah... (more words that can hardley be understood)
normal white person: why are you talking like that and cursing every other word?
wigger: wut r you a little bitch and cant take the cursing?
normal white person: no, it just makes you sound like an IDIOT and is very unessesary.
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