The miniature fuckboy that no one knows they like. he has long eyelashes and looks very attractive when on omegle except when he is from California and leigha calls him cute. loik. look loik up in the urban dictionary if you don't know the definition already. makes annoying noises.
what was that?
oh, don't worry, its just seabass
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Leigha Zugehoer will lose the talent show.
And the winner is... Paige Hardenbrooke! Leigha Zugehoer, I'm sorry, you lost the talent show again, just like you did 3 years ago... Leigha Zugehoer now hates the song Million Reasons by Lady Gaga
A beautiful, kind, and extremely fashionable girl who has an extremely contagious laugh. She is the life of the party and is always dripped out in the newest styles. She can be over dramatic and crazy at times but that's what makes her a great person to be around. Boys usually get really flustered when talking to her because they get lost in her eyes. Her personality lights up the room and you wont be able to control your smile when she looks at you. She is one of the most loyal friends you'll ever have and will stay by you all the time. You'll often see T'Mia recording to look back and laugh at later.
Yeah ma, I have a crush on T'Mia but she's so out of my league.
Woah - look at T'mia's outfit today, she is so baller.
a sad excuse to flail your arms and legs around while people pretend to watch
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