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A fag who was against his OWN race...yeah Adolf Hitler was a jew. A man who unfortunatly had great leadership skills but killed for no reason. Murdered 6 Million jews. Not to mention 5 Million (some people say more) homosexuals, gypsies, handicapped etc. Innocent people. Believed that everyone should be in the aryan race (blonde hair, blue eyes, certain size of head, certain width between your eyes etc.) but had very cruel ways of achieving so. Was said to be One of the worst dictators in history. Till this day people who speak of hitler only speak of how he killed over 11million innocent people, with cruel and unusual ways. Getting shot for no reason, Gas chambers, starvation, freezing to death, living in tiny areas where you were meant to fit hundered of people knows as a ghetto. One of the reasons for the holocaust during the 1940's. In conclusion an evil, sick, frigid, asshole, bitch, fucker, man. And one of the biggest Anti-semite's in history. (sorry if i spelled Anti-semite's wrong)

"Hitler sucks ass."

by blobbb9333 August 29, 2007

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