the greatest thing youâll ever seen.
a ship thatâs based in glances,touches,smiles and like 6 hugs and one kiss cheek.
they are typically called pLaTOnIC nON-rOmANtIc soULmAtEs
if it doesnât happen im gonna kms
and fuck yall who donât ship them cuz they are freakin perfect together and theyâre cute lil beans and sweetie pies and all the cuteness in the world
I consider them cuter than my own dog.and my dog is a baby maltese with 1 month
-do u ship bellarke
-uM...i dONt sEE tHe cHEmiSTrY bUT tHEy seEm LiKe gOoD fRIeNds
-bitch r u fr?!?1!1!?!!!?