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Eichi Tenshouin

Eichi Tenshouin is the enemy of all proletariats in the world. He will stop at nothing to destroy the unity and solidarity of all workers everywhere. He manipulates, assassinates, and commits tax fraud in order to realize his dream of a united world order under his cruel reign. The only way to stop him is for all workers and the oppressed class to unite and fight back against his hypnotizing force. Do not look at him. Do not take interest in him. He will feed from that and grow stronger. If he grows too strong, it will be impossible to stop him, even with the combined powers of all workers worldwide. We must strike now. We must strike quick, lest the great monster takes from us our freedom and our will. LET HIM TREMBLE AT THE REVOLUTION OF THE MASSES. TOPPLE HIS THRONE, AND REESTABLISH YUMENOSAKI AND THE ES BUILDING AS TRUE DEMOCRATIC INSTITUTIONS. HE WILL NOT PREVAIL.

'lol eichi tenshouin is kinda hot'
'bro he's literally a Make a Wish foundation kid combined with the wealth and morality of Jeff Bezos'
'shit you're right'

by bluepotato81 March 12, 2023

9👍 2👎