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A smart person, who doesn't have to be locked up in prison for 8 hours learning things that are not needed for their future or career.

Usually introverted, and has only a small circle of friends. These people are generally stereotyped as being Duggars, big families, all well behaved, white, and own 3 houses out in the country to accomodate the family (of course including their grandma), and has to get Whole Foods delivered to their house in a truck because the nearest one is 45 miles away.

But in reality they are just people who are probably better educated than you, have a better chance at getting a well-paying career, and still have time in the day to do all of the fun things you wish you could do, like staying in bed all day on Monday watching YouTube.

"Where do you go to school"
"I'm a homeschooler."
"So how do you have friends?"

by blunting knives November 5, 2015

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