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2 plus 2

5, obviously.

Teacher: Jimmy, what's 2 plus 2?
Jimmy: 5!
Teacher: Good job.

by bob the brony March 16, 2020

6👍 5👎

toilet paper

1. A kind of paper you wipe your butt with after using the toilet
2. A decoration to put on your neighbor's house
3. The only cure for coronavirus

1. Wow, this toilet paper is so soft!
2. I toilet papered Mrs. Simpson's house yesterday.
3. Everyone's stocking up on toilet paper because of coronavirus.

by bob the brony March 16, 2020

8👍 2👎


A large amount of curly hair on someone's butt. Sometimes called an arsefro.

Jeff: I keep getting dingleberries stuck in my assfro.

by bob the brony March 15, 2020