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any ear or body peircing symbolizing that you are gay.

Queer#1: haaaaay Just goy my new queer-ring. isnt it just geourgous
Queer#2: its fabulous Darling

by bobosbeatinonu January 12, 2011

4👍 4👎

Soul Train

Similar to a Man train, but it only consists of African americans with afros forming a main train. black people typically have some soul in them, so it is considered a soul train.

Black homo 1: Daym dat soul train sure was chugging along last night.
black homo 2: mmhmmmmm(in bitchy black girl voice)

by bobosbeatinonu May 24, 2011

4👍 13👎

New York Stop

The act of slowing down to look for cops at an intersection and Rolling through a stopsign at about 15 MPH, as apposed to actually stopping all the way for the legal 2 seconds

Jim: yo that chromic masterbater just pulled a New York Stop and totally cut me off.
bimbo: omg like that jerkoff cop like totally pulled me over for that New York Stop.

by bobosbeatinonu February 9, 2011