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The penis-looking chess piece that once unlocked, can go diagonal.

Ben fisher: your gonna lose
Me: jokes on you, I just unlocked my Winkle-Wouser

by bobtheslobthebob March 4, 2021


A phrase used to condemn naughty folks. Can be used for an assortment of things such as cats and toddlers.
(very versatile). VERY

Kid: scratches the couch
Mom: Oiy!, you shmugle! Stop it. Your ruin'in the furnataure.

Cat: takes a cookie from the jar when not supposed to.
Dad: Ay shmulge! cut it out!

by bobtheslobthebob May 5, 2021


Opposite of a boycheick

Oh hes suck a guvnuke

by bobtheslobthebob January 24, 2021