Source Code

godzilla room-filler

An overpowering, stinky fart.

Holy shit! That's disgusting dude! That's a total Godzilla room-filler!!

by bohdave April 30, 2005

4👍 3👎


Comedy's sarcastic cousin.

When a joke is so desperate and hokey that it falls flat on its face, it ceases to be comedy and becomes komedy. Used primarily as sarcastic praise for dumb jokes in written reviews of TV, film and stage shows. Not likely to be encountered verbally due to the identical pronunciation between the two words.

Usually reserved for juvenile and childish jokes that are funny only in the minds of the jokesters.

You see how Kal Penn keeps getting hit in the head with stuff in Epic Movie? That's komedy!

by bohdave May 19, 2008