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a small Russian hermaphrodite security guard in a low rent public access TV station who always checks the bathroom doorknobs when someone is inside taking a leak...

DEMIR: "OH! Excuse me. I did not know anyone was inside the bathroom. So sorry. I will go now."

by boris lugosi October 1, 2004

32👍 63👎


a black African American member of the U.S. Republican Party .

a black Republican Party member

by boris lugosi October 1, 2004

33👍 16👎


Last of the great NYC public access TV comedians who fell on hard times, became homeless, and went literally "running wild" in the streets. Was also at the time a gopher for Local TV legend Joe Franklin. Ron Yushack eventually ended up in Bellevue Hospital, and soon afterwards disappeared into the cold, gritty wilderness of madness, and obscurity. <BR>
Where is Ron Yushack?

That TV producer's gonna end up pulling a "Yushack" if he don't get a job a pay his rent. Look at him. He's "running wild"!

by boris lugosi March 23, 2005

16👍 2👎

cheese it!

Line often uttered in early 1930's Hollywood gangster movies meant to "stop it" or "quit it" to cease whatever illegal activity prompts the command often when the police arrive.

Police siren. Hood to other hood: "Cheese it! The cops!!"

by boris lugosi October 1, 2004

59👍 34👎


a man who smokes meat pole as the result of being permantely impotent.

Ever since Dracula lost the use of his penis he's been smoking meat pole ever since.

by boris lugosi October 1, 2004

6👍 37👎


same sex harassment on the work place or in a social group.

form of same-sex harassment often committed by straight and gay people alike usually at a work place, or in a social group.
"That guy just pulled some faggotshit on me at work!"

by boris lugosi October 1, 2004

11👍 11👎


an amature hiphop rapper who so untalented. "His rap stank like crap!'

a very bad, inexperienced hiphop rapper with little or talent.

by boris lugosi October 1, 2004

30👍 24👎